Matroid was recently released and has picked up steam amongst the public. Here is a sample of the articles:
The Wall Street Journal: A Life’s Ambition, Matroid Launches
Bloomberg TV: The A.I. That Knows Just What You’re Looking for
Bloomberg: This AI Company Can Tell You What and Who Appears in Your Videos
TechCrunch: Matroid can watch videos and detect anything within them
Podcast: This Week in AI and ML
O’Reilly: Scaling Machine Learning
S&P Global: Analyzing videos and images online is fair game
MIT Technology Review: How AI Can Keep Accelerating After Moore’s Law
BBC: Faces recreated from monkey brain signals
Business Insider: Google’s plan to best Amazon rests on one piece of software
TechCrunch: The Kaggle data science community is competing to improve airport security with AI
Register: Cloud giants ‘ran out’ of fast GPUs for AI boffins
MIT Technology Review: AI Supercomputer Built by Tapping Data Warehouses for Their Idle Computing Power
The Seattle Times: Biggest test for Google’s artificial intelligence: hunting down hate in YouTube videos
Bloomberg: Google Sprints Ahead in AI Building Blocks, Leaving Rivals Wary
MIT Technology Review: Google Stakes Its Future on a Piece of Software
CNBC: Apple just offered a ‘dead giveaway’ that it’s building an AI chip for iPhones, expert says
TechCrunch: Matroid picks up $10M Series A to automate video stream monitoring
Communications of the ACM: Censoring Sensors
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